Released avr-gcc 8.5.0

Another release of the avr-gcc legacy branch. The following components have been updated: GCC 8.5.0 Binutils 2.36.1 GDB 10.2 If you want to download avr-gcc 8.5.0, you can grab it through my avr-gcc builds downloads website by clicking on the button below. Thanks!

Released OpenSSH for Windows 8.6p1

After a long, long time, the latest version of OpenSSH has been ported to Windows. Huge thanks to the PowerShell team for making this possible! This release comes with the following updates: OpenSSH 8.6p1 LibreSSL 3.3.3 You can find the download links through GitHub releases or my downloads page. Hope you like it!

Released avr-gcc 11.1.0

It’s ALIVE!!!!!!! Today I’m proud to announce the new release of avr-gcc. It comes with this features: GCC 11.1.0 (stable will now be on GCC 11.x instead of 10.x) GDB 10.2 (this was unexpected) Using avr-gcc-2.0.0svn instead of avr-libc3’s fork for compatibility. You can download avr-gcc 11.1.0 through the new builds’ website by clicking on …